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Help us to reach out to needy People

What we are trying to do?

We are going to work with the idea that someone's stomach will be filled by us. we should help as many people as possible who need food.

There are still 2/3 of the world's population who go to bed hungry at night. At such a time, the organization will not be able to meet the needs of so many people...

So we thought about how we can get help from the common man to those who need food?

Our Vision

1. We are trying to help people who didn't get food by supplying food from people to people.
2. We want that everyone gets that they don't face things like malnutrition.
3. Supply food to those in need from those who want to help.
4. Our little efforts to get out of this world of hunger.
5. Want to build a healthy society.
6. I want to see a child's happiness after his stomach is full by a healthy diet.

So join us and we will make this world free from hunger !!!

Work of Member

Supply to those in need from those who want to help create your team (if u can) to supply food(cook or uncooked).

If possible, try to provide daily food using the concept of daily (1 roti from 1 family).
If not, try to supply monthly food If possible, connect with the hotel and try to provide the remaining food to the needy.