Hey, are u thinking our society is happy coz we get food whenever we want....isn't it?

But what if I say that two-thirds of our society didn't get food for a week. Yes that's how it is....single largest contributor to disease in the world is "MALNUTRITION"

People experiencing food insecurity have typically run out of food for days......imagine you are experiencing this....isn't it terrible?

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Hunger is the leading cause of death in the world. Our planet has provided us with tremendous resources, but unequal access and inefficient handling leave millions of people malnourished.

Children are particularly badly affected. In traditional societies, they suffer heavily from the consequences of structural inequalities.

925 million
people worldwide will go to bed
hungry tonight

Cause of Hunger

Due to an unbalanced diet, vital vitamins are lacking, along with iron, iodine, zinc, or diet A. At first glance, the effects aren't always very visible, however, over the long-time period, those nutrient deficiencies result in severe diseases. In particular, youngsters are not able to expand correctly, neither mentally nor physically. The danger of dying is high.

What we are trying to do?

We are trying to help people who didn't get food by supplying food from people to people

We want that everyone gets food...so that they don't face things like malnutrition

supply the food to those in need from those who want to help

What members do :

Supply to those in need from those who want to help create your team (if u can) to supply food(cook or uncooked)

If possible, try to provide daily food using the concept of daily (1 roti from 1 family) ... if not, try to supply monthly food If possible, connect with the hotel and try to provide the remaining food to the needy.

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